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About Me

Hi!  Welcome.  Eat to Run is an blog effort to combine my body's biggest crushes: food, running, outdoor adventures, more good food.  The best things aside from maybe naps.

I am a full-bred ginger (yes, the stereotypes probably apply... except for the "souless" one), and I'm terrible at doing nothing.  Must be the worst thing ever, because I avoid it like the plague.  This results in three settings in my life usuallyasleep (not nearly often enough), running around like a crazed lunatic, or late (usually because of the "crazed lunatic" part...working on it).

No, 25 is not too old for dinosaur party hats.  Stop being a snob.
In college I began to get into running (I'd done some recreational running and a little track growing up, but nothing to be proud of).  For me, it's a mental and physical challenge and I love the individual aspect of it: training, working for a PR, or just having a nice slow hour for me.  Selfish reasons sometimes, but I love it.  Running also forces me to treat my body better and feed it well, or it will come back and bite and not cooperate.  If I eat well I can run better, and hike better, and be an overall dork better.  (*And by eat "well", I should probably note, that often includes chocolate.)

Running for me can also be a great communal activity.  I have amazingly friends, who do amazing relays and dress up as nerds or ninjas, or themselves.  Some even run other crazy races with me just because I love the company.

Foodie.  Hmmmm... Check.  "Like the world needs another food blog," says I... as I find another blog to stalk...  I hope that this one can be a good way to share, I'm all about guest posters.  Contact me and send me your ideas or recipes, please!

I have a possibly unhealthy addiction to Frozen Yogurt (at least at a mental level... nevermind the good stuff I load on it).  Seriously, it's becoming embarrasing.  And dark chocolate.  Other competitors include sweet potato fries and good Mexican food and Thai and Indian and... ok, I'll stop.

WWII propaganda poster
About a year and a half ago I found out that I could no longer eat gluten.  I was kind of a health nut before, which helped with the change. (i.e. I already had a stock of wild rice, quinoa, etc.) Having had dairy problems previously, (although the gluten problems were much worse,) food became an enemy again while I was sick... But we are on good terms again.  Slowly, my issues with food have turned into an amazing blessing as I have learned to be a lot less obsessed (suprisingly), and critical of what I eat.  Food is energy.  We need to stop looking at it as "good" or "bad".  But when I give my body certain food, ohmylanta it gives me so much more energy and plays a heck of a lot nicer with me. 

I like to spend as much time as possible outside.  In addition to running I LOVE canyoneering, hiking, rock climbing, and general adventuring.

I'm always open to learning new activities, but I warn you that I'm not very coordinated with ball sports and I kinda hate golf (working on that one too).  I hope to leave personal-life tangents to a minimum on here, to leave more room for your recipes and adventures.  But sometimes I get distracted... did you see the Portlandia clip about locally grown chicken?

Finally, for your viewing pleasure, please check out the following Hulu clip that won't embed in Blogger because of their sketchy deals with YouTube.  :)


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